Upload Digital Files

How to upload your files and send to us

You can now upload your digital files. Currently we can take a tiff, jpeg, pdf, png files, and have no problem converting then into great looking images. If you can get your files sized to 300dpi at finished size that will give you the best reproduction.

When we get your files they will be inspected and put into the production schedule. You will have to tell us the number of prints, what substrait, and size of the finished image. We will then give you a cost and delivery date.

Your Digital Files

You can now send your digital files, ready for printing. Currently we can take a tiff, jpeg, pdf, png files, and have no problem converting then into great looking images. Go to www.wesendit.com  – use the following email address: jarthurdavis45@gmail.com, or click the button below for more info.


8960 Bridge Road
Hummelstown, PA 17036
(717) 576-8884

Open Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 12 noon.
All other times by appointment only.

