Want to Make More Money? Fish in a Bigger Pond!

Want to Make More Money? Fish in a Bigger Pond!

Setting prices is a dilemma most service business owners encounter at one time or another. This week, it was Susan’s turn. “When I first started my business, I felt uncomfortable charging for my services. Since I was doing it to make a living, I finally just picked a...
The Language of Color

The Language of Color

In a world already full of acronyms and codes, who would have thought that something as simple as color could join in the confusion? Knowing the different color models and how they are used is not only helpful in getting the visual results you want it is critical to...
Overcoming Your Biggest Marketing Obstacle

Overcoming Your Biggest Marketing Obstacle

At times, no matter what you do your marketing is stuck and you’re not attracting new clients quickly enough. It doesn’t seem to make a difference how much time or money you put into it, its like you are driving in slow motion. You just seem to be spinning...
Keyword Research Made Simple!

Keyword Research Made Simple!

Keyword Research is the first task in optimizing your web site and pay-per-click campaign. Here you need to know what keywords your target group is using. Your keywords are the words and phrases that people might use to find your products, brands, services, or...
If Networking Is So Hot

If Networking Is So Hot

If Networking Is So Hot, Why Aren’t I Rich? How to make today’s NEW streamlined ‘networking’ work! Before we start, please note that in this article ‘MLM’ and ‘Networking’ are interchangeable. The hottest business...