The Importance of Keyed-Out Stretcher Sets

The Importance of Keyed-Out Stretcher Sets

When working in an art-related business, sooner or later a request will come up as to whether or not you are able to stretch a canvas. Some simply use strainer bars to accomplish this task, however, strainers are not considered acceptable for stretching fine art...

Lessons I Learned When My Blog Got Hacked

Lessons I Learned When My Blog Got HackedBuffer Never could I have imagined that my little happy art blogs would be hacked by a sophisticated hacking ring of criminals, but is exactly what has happened to and during this past week. In...
Public Relations

Public Relations

The wind of changes… The digital world has changed the form and scope of all communications. The positive aspects of this new world are as overwhelming to interactivity as a truckload of candy is to a three year old. The field of Public Relations is rapidly...