Tips to Get Started with StumbleUpon

Tips to Get Started with StumbleUponBufferStumbleUpon is a thriving website with many strategic uses for artists and bloggers. Finding inspiration is easy among the infinite content found here. You’ll need to decide how you want to use StumbleUpon, and I’m going to...

Google Plus The Driving Force Behind Your Business

Google Plus The Driving Force Behind Your BusinessBufferRecently, my social media friend, and fellow artist,  Rodney Pike hit an amazing social media milestone – 1 million Google Plus followers in just one year! I am so impressed with his achievements, as both...

Loris Paintings for Hurricane Sandy Relief

Loris Paintings for Hurricane Sandy ReliefBuffer In an effort to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy, my month-long personal 30 Day Plein Air Painting Challenge on Facebook has evolved into a campaign for a good cause. Since the beginning of October, each day my three...

Twitter Art Exhibit: Worldwide Call For Artists

Twitter Art Exhibit: Worldwide Call For ArtistsBufferAs a member of the Twitter Art Exhibit Publicity Team, I am pleased to announce the upcoming exhibition.  ”Through art we can change the world.” We help charities and nonprofits with postcard-sized,...

Things Successful Artists Do Differently

Things Successful Artists Do DifferentlyBufferTwo words, success and successful, have sparked heated conversations between artists on this blog. I’ve learned that the definition of a ‘successful artist’ is subjective, and tends to vary from person to...