From the viewpoint of the SO
(not involved in the art world)

Living with an art show director is like living in a perpetual whirlwind of creativity, chaos, and cardboard boxes. Forget the conventional rules of domesticity—when you share your home with someone whose life revolves around art shows, every day is an adventure in avant-garde living.

First things first, forget about having a designated dining table. That space is reserved for sorting through stacks of artist applications, wrestling with spreadsheets, and endless cups of coffee fueled by caffeine and sheer determination. Who needs dinner when you have deadlines, right?

And let’s talk about décor. Say goodbye to minimalist aesthetics and hello to a home that doubles as an impromptu art gallery. Every wall is a potential exhibition space, every nook and cranny a storage area for radios, tables, chairs, programs, postcards (thousands) and posters. Sure, the living room might resemble a packed car, but hey, who needs a clear path when you’re navigating the maze of the art world?

Don’t even get me started on conversation topics. Want to discuss the weather? Think again, that is the conversation all day long for the week up to the show. Living with an art show director means your daily discourse revolves around the weather (in detail and always with radar), nuances of art mediums, the merits of abstract expressionism versus realism, and the eternal debate of form versus function. Casual chats about the latest Netflix binge? More like passionate debates about the cultural significance of performance art.

And let’s not forget about social gatherings. Hosting a dinner party becomes a negotiation for space on the calendar and a performance piece in itself, with guests navigating through a labyrinth of boxes and the newest peices of art that must find a home, just to find the bathroom. Who needs small talk when you have avant-garde art installations to spark conversation?

But despite the chaos and eccentricities, living with an art show director is never dull. It’s a journey filled with spontaneity, creativity, and endless inspiration. So if you find yourself sharing your space with someone whose life is a masterpiece in organizational details, buckle up and enjoy the ride and learn to not clean up the mess on the table.