8 Essential SEO techniques

8 Essential SEO techniques

1) Title Tag – The title tag is the most powerful on-site SEO technique you have, so use it creatively! What you place in the title tag should only be one thing, the exact keyword you used for the web page that you are trying to optimize. Every single web page...
5 Ways to Encourage Impulse Purchases

5 Ways to Encourage Impulse Purchases

I just bought six square pieces of spongy fabric for $20 and walked away happy – “victim” of an impulse purchase. I was at one of those big show events and walked past a demonstration booth. I even knew it was coming. About 50% of the people walking...
The Power of a Referral Script

The Power of a Referral Script

The key to the success of e-commerce is in the combination of the power of viral marketing, permission marketing and one to one marketing. Have you ever heard of Amazon.com, Bluemountain Cards, or Hotmail? Of course you have! Why? Because the all use varying degrees...
Taking E-mail marketing to the next level

Taking E-mail marketing to the next level

Many types of Internet advertising don’t work as well as they once did. People have gotten used to banners and don’t click on them. Some ezines have failed to keep their readers’ interest and ads sometimes get less response. Search engines are...
Sound Like Your Situation?

Sound Like Your Situation?

What a shame! Potentially productive public relations people resting on their oars in a large organization. Just kind of tinkering with tactics and leaving target audience perceptions (and behaviors) to pretty much do their own thing. Big pain on the way! Unattended,...